Tag Archives: Featured

Looking for Your Perfect POS System? Here are 4 Things to Consider

Wanted: The Perfect POS System Ask any successful retailer and they will tell you how important it is to find the right POS system for your business. But where do you start? How do you find that perfect POS system for your business? Easy! Just follow these 4 steps and get that important to-do checked […]

Recalculating Retail Profitability through Cash Flow

“Where did my cash go?” Raise your hand if you’ve ever been left wondering where your cash went after reading your year-end Profit & Loss (P&L) statement. If this situation sounds familiar, don’t worry—you’re not alone. P&L statements show profit, but do not tell the whole story about your cash, which is an important indicator […]

Happy is a choice not a result and a key attribute to becoming a WEALTHY Retailer

The definition of Happy might be one of the most debated subjects in the history of mankind. Perhaps the challenge in finding a universally acceptable meaning is what makes Happy or Happiness so special. Whether you believe Happy is a state of mind or an emotional response it is undeniably better to spend more of […]

Do you want to CLOSE more sales this Christmas season?

Do you want to CLOSE more sales this Christmas season? For our WEALTHY RETAILERS, closing a sale will always begins with a great opening – the greeting!! GREETING and ENGAGING customers effectively and appropriately is often our biggest challenge on the sales floor. For some reason we get lost in our own world and forget just […]

Help your team be better prepared this Christmas Season

The old saying “Retail is detail” rings loud and true especially during the holiday season. The holiday season can be the time of year when store maintenance is over whelming, updating signage, and creating new displays can be time consuming, stocking and restocking can become tedious. At the same time customers are in a rush […]

Top 5 things you can do to increase sales this Christmas season

Tis’ the season…. Where most retailers either breakeven or become profitable for the year! As we go into holiday season many of my clients have been asking me about ways they can promote themselves and compete against the BIG BOX retailers and their continuous stream of massive sales. As an independent retailer we know that […]