Covid19-Blog: Part2

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CV-19 Disruption: ADAPTATION is a requirement

There is no denying, COVID-19 is hitting us hard at every level of retail. We are in VERY challenging times BUT even while our front doors may be closed, we must prepare for tomorrow. Adaptation needs to be our focus. Adapt as defined is the ability to adjust oneself to different conditions, environments, etc. We must believe, adaptation prevents extinction!
A: Accept the new normal and adapt to a new business model for the short term. Get in front of her, virtually!
D: Decide whether you want to be here tomorrow and take steps to ensure you are. Adapt to a new condition of Retail!
A: Actions now define outcomes! Adapt you actions and activity to drive revenue!
P: Prediction is critical. We must predict our performance and our expenses to achieve breakeven over the next 90 days.
T: Tenacity is your strongest attribute right now. Be determined, be persistent – We must continue to exist!

While selling needs to be a core focus, there are other things we can be doing to prepare for a better tomorrow.

Here are 3 other areas of focus in your store & your business right now!

My STORE: This is a great time to re-plan & adjust your merchandise displays; move your goods, deep-clean the store; clean the carpets; repaint that ugly wall. Take new images; shoot tons of total solution options to share socially; Give your client a new fresh look when she returns.

My DATA: Take a physical inventory; work with us (or your POS provider) on data integrity; review your data protection plan; get all your purchase orders entered; update your designs, receipts & layouts; Upgrade your platforms; create & update reports that give you good data to make positive decisions in your business tomorrow; Update your vendor scorecards today. If you need any help, reach out to our team today.

My HEALTH: Now is a great time to advance your knowledge; take a course, join a group; take advantage of this down time to read a great book; look for inspiration from others relevant to your life & business. Enjoy time with your family, time that you have previously sacrificed for your business.
My team is here and ready to help with ANYTHING you need from us. We remain strong, committed and ready to take action – our hand is up not out. Take full advantage – adaptation prevents extinction!